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The Most Valuable Fossils and How to Find Them While Rockhounding

Created 02/25/2018 05:18 AM
If you’re an avid rockhound or fossil collector, then you’ll know that finding the most valuable and rare fossils can be a challenge. Rockhounding and fossil hunting require a lot of patience and dedication, as well as the right knowledge and tools. But if you’re willing to put in the time and effort, you’ll be rewarded with some of the most amazing fossils and rocks the world has to offer.
In this blog post, we’ll be looking at the most valuable fossils and how to find them while rockhounding. We’ll be discussing the different types of fossils, the best locations for fossil hunting, and the tools and techniques you need to successfully find the most valuable fossils. So let’s get started!

Types of Fossils

When it comes to rockhounding and fossil hunting, there are three main types of fossils you can find: petrified fossils, trace fossils, and body fossils. Petrified fossils are formed when a plant or animal is buried in sediment and replaced by minerals over time. Trace fossils are tracks and burrows left behind by ancient organisms. And body fossils are the actual remains of an ancient organism.

Petrified fossils are some of the most valuable and sought after fossils, as they often contain a great deal of detail and are easy to identify. Trace fossils are also quite valuable, as they can provide insight into the behavior of ancient organisms. Body fossils are usually less valuable than the other two, but they can still provide a great deal of information about the evolution of ancient species.

Best Locations for Fossil Hunting

When it comes to finding the most valuable fossils, it pays to know where to look. Some of the best places to find fossils include deserts, beaches, and rivers.
Deserts are one of the best places to look for fossils, as they often contain layers of sediment that can reveal fossils that are millions of years old. Deserts are also home to some of the most unique and rare fossils, such as those found in the Sahara Desert in Africa.

Beaches are another great place to look for fossils. The rocky shoreline of a beach often reveals fossils that have been exposed by the waves and tides. Beaches are also home to some rare and valuable fossils, such as those found in the Solnhofen Limestone of Germany.
Finally, rivers are also great places to look for fossils. Rivers often carry fossils from upstream and deposit them downstream, making them easy to spot. Rivers are also home to some of the most valuable and rare fossils, such as those found in the Green River Formation in the United States.

Tools and Techniques for Successful Fossil Hunting

When it comes to rockhounding and fossil hunting, the right tools and techniques can make a big difference.

The most important tool for fossil hunting is a good pair of eyes. Having sharp eyesight will allow you to spot even the smallest and most subtle fossils.
Another important tool is a magnifying glass. A magnifying glass will allow you to closely inspect fossils and identify them more easily.

Finally, it’s important to use the right tools to collect fossils. A small shovel or trowel can be used to carefully remove fossils from the ground, while a pair of tweezers can be used to pick up delicate fossils that might break if handled too roughly.


Rockhounding and fossil hunting can be a thrilling and rewarding experience, but it does require patience and the right knowledge and tools. By understanding the different types of fossils, the best locations for fossil hunting, and the tools and techniques you need, you’ll be well on your way to finding the most valuable and rare fossils. So grab your gear and head out on an adventure today!

In conclusion, rockhounding and fossil hunting can be an exciting and rewarding hobby. By understanding the different types of fossils, the best locations for fossil hunting, and the tools and techniques you need, you can successfully find the most valuable fossils. So grab your gear and start your fossil hunting adventure today!

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